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7 years ago
7 years ago
Arm yourself with facts, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
7 years ago
I have been their victim...they can no longer harm those who I love. I am unbound and I intend to speak.
7 years ago
Prepare. Combat them with love. Not the emotion, but the action.
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
Don't use the sensation of love and warmth itself, however, to try to indicate if a species is good or bad because the Grays have the ability to devour souls, spirits, and even emotions and they can steal huge repositories of love to say that they are love. This doesn't mean they can generate it on their own, though. You'll have to know them also by their actions, their intentions, and their desires. Since the Grays are atrocious liars and they will tell you they love humanity and only some people can be saved and you're one of those people (the easiest trick in the book,) you'll have to see how they treat non humans to know whether or not they're really full of love. Anyone who tells you anyone needs to suffer simply because there's not enough room to save everyone is of the devil.