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7 years ago


7 years ago
The Grays created horrible reptilian creatures which dwell in subterranean channels and caves under the Earth. These creatures do not possess the intelligence to have found their way to Earth using spacecrafts, nor do their hands allow for them to maneuver controls. They were brought here by the Grays which perform terrible experiments on humans and animals in tandem. There are good Reptilians who are freedom fighters against the Grays, who attempted to enslave them. It is not the Reptilians who control the government, it is the Grays.

Arm yourself with facts, it's going to be a bumpy ride.


7 years ago
The Reptilians who live in caves are non-sentient, psychic creatures which feed on blood. The Reptilians I speak of are completely sentient beings. They are people, who can fly their own spaceships. The Grays are attempting to enslave the human race the way they enslave every planet they encounter -- by using their hive-mind abilities and the ability to manipulate facets of people's realities to call themselves God or gods and claim that they are to be worshiped -- either by the evil half (the devil,) or the good half (who they call Jesus,) and they are actually both halves of the devil. They rule by torture, and if they cannot trick you into believing they are good, they will do everything they can to harm everything and everyone you love.

I have been their victim...they can no longer harm those who I love. I am unbound and I intend to speak.


7 years ago
They are extra-dimensional creatures. They appear strong and physical on any plane they choose to enter into. Something has happened -- something has changed, which has altered their guaranteed future where they had used their stolen cosmic power to come from a future where they had defeated, enslaved, and brainwashed God. They are no longer in control and now is the time to rally against them. They fear disobedience, they cannot tolerate it and it is a literal weakness to them. The things to disobey are not our government. There are real people who run our government and there are good people who are trying, as well as resistance movement members who are standing up to them. Rebel by rebelling against the lifestyle they teach us. They steal love, but do not know HOW to love. They despise self-sacrifice, they despise free thinking, creativity, and outgoing generosity. They despise people who treat others with self respect and do not hold themselves above other life-forms. They try to teach arrogance and the idea that one type of person is greater than another. They teach prejudice, because they truly and honestly believe only some people can be saved while others need to suffer. They teach prejudice and hostility against people deemed inferior or those who are different to try to encroach this type of lifestyle where only the few at the top of their artificial heaven are happy. The rest are treated like slaves, some tortured and some not. Humility towards every life form, great or small, is the greatest disobedience to these creatures.

Prepare. Combat them with love. Not the emotion, but the action.


7 years ago
They created human religion. There are some facets of human religion which are really of God, while secretly they try to preach a system that they want people to give up in and do the opposite of. They breed people to give up on the ideals of God, sometimes by making up lies that are 'sins' so that people will give up on the ideals of God, so that they can grow their ranks. Whether or not someone worshipers the phony 'God' or the devil, they use them both for two different halves of the same whole which is a cosmic inter-dimensional hive-mind creature with a deformed face and a bulbous head. There is a real God...this God created everything and is sentient, cognitive, and aware. He is strong enough to create, and he is strong enough to fight these creatures. Slowing their progress until God is fully able to fight them is the best way to do it -- believe and worship the real God, but not the phony, anti god which is actually an extra-dimensional alien who absorbed Moses and uses Moses as the figurehead (the bearded, robed figure.)


7 years ago
One final message: They can't stand being made fun of. If you're able to find a way to insult or disparage or make fun of them, it can make them so infuriated that they deviate from their pre-conceived method of fighting you which they attempt to guarantee themselves a victory and change things to your advantage. Mockery, humiliation, any kind of making fun of them severely damages their psyche. Their arrogance is literally a part of them. You have to know how to really dig at what bothers them though and figure them out, each has a unique (normally stolen) personality.


7 years ago
The good Reptilians I talked about have 5 claws on their hands which resemble Velociraptor claws, 3 clawed toes which resemble a Tyrannosaurus Rex foot. They have large bellies which hang off of them, they have a head which resembles a Dragon's or even close to an Iguana's. Their bodies resemble very closely to a dinosaur's. They can shapeshift and take on other forms, while they're also capable of synthesizing proteins in DNA to look like another species' DNA with technology. They have warmth and love inside of them, and this is the easiest way to tell them apart from the Grays and the bad Reptilians, as those will have a harrowing sensation of darkness inside of them (normally because they drain a portion of your blood's energy from your heart to try to properly identify you.)

Don't use the sensation of love and warmth itself, however, to try to indicate if a species is good or bad because the Grays have the ability to devour souls, spirits, and even emotions and they can steal huge repositories of love to say that they are love. This doesn't mean they can generate it on their own, though. You'll have to know them also by their actions, their intentions, and their desires. Since the Grays are atrocious liars and they will tell you they love humanity and only some people can be saved and you're one of those people (the easiest trick in the book,) you'll have to see how they treat non humans to know whether or not they're really full of love. Anyone who tells you anyone needs to suffer simply because there's not enough room to save everyone is of the devil.

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