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6 years ago
Funny you should mention Legion... I found some things of yours.


7 years ago
Legion devours people's spirits or brainwashes them to control them. Legion is actually the same being as lucifer, but with a separate persona. Their first, second, and third in command are all the same people and form an unholy trinity. It goes: lucifer, Jesus, and Legion. Legion acts as the all encompassing spirit of the devil, while lucifer (who is also Moses,) acts as God, and their Jesus, the one written about in the Bible (because the Bible as we know it is actually wrong and mistranslated to be about the devil, whereas once upon a time it actually factually did have a little good in it, despite being written by the Gray Aliens and their command. They'd have to, because the grays syphon the real God's energy and pretend they are God. The Vatican hides the true translations of the Bible, while creating counterfeits which appear aged to misguide the masses. The Vatican has also created a Throne of Satan in preparation for the anti most christians actually worship the devil.)


6 years ago


7 years ago
Legion uses people to blackmail other people and usually through blackmail gets them to follow his will so that he can eventually devour their spirits and use them once the cognitive pathways in their brains have developed routine enough for them to act naturally in such a body/brain.

This is very real, they have already infiltrated the human race, both Reptilians and Grays, and the Reptilians tend to be nicer people whereas the grays tend to be evil. Many of them are sleeper agents, though many have already been awakened. lucifer wants to use humanity to try to defeat God, as God did not truly create human beings as we know them. The grays used alien DNA To create the Homo Sapien species that dominates the planet today, whereas God did create hominids (why there is a constant battle for the souls of humans.)

Brace is the end of the world. Merry Christmas.


6 years ago
Go away and empty your manure bags
1 more replies…


6 years ago
You are a sack of manure

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