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scomo x - We receive over a million unique answers (and filter out multiple submissions) to our political issues survey per day and categorize the submissions by political affiliation, state, city, and referral website, as well as census data estimates by income, race, education, and household. Choose an issue below to start exploring.  All Popular New Local 2014 Ballot 2016 Ballot Social Issues  Abortion PollAbortion What is your stance on abortion? 35,840,765 votes  Gay Marriage PollGay Marriage Do you support the legalization of same sex marriage? 34,432,058 votes  LGBT Adoption Rights PollLGBT Adoption Rights Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples? 1,298,538 votes  Gender Identity PollGender Identity Should “gender identity” be added to anti-discrimination laws? 1,474,886 votes  Marital Rape PollMarital Rape Should marital rape be classified and punished as severely as non-marital rape? 362,613 votes  Planned Parenthood Funding PollPlanned Parenthood Funding Should the government continue to fund Planned Parenthood? 16,160,370 votes  Gender Transition PollGender Transition Should people under the age of 18 years old be able to receive gender-transition treatments?
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