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6 years ago
Some vaccines literally contain heavy metals as part of the composition of the vaccine. Some genetics in people apparently causes retention of heavy metals in the body (brain) and disproportionately-affects brain development compared to other people's genetics. These people may go on to develop Autism or something along those lines. This is all a theory and not proven fact by any means. But if Autistic genes are a 2% minority in the population, for the purposes of argument, then there's no WAY the majority-first logic of the vaccine-producers / government health planners, is going to put them first or design around them. That's not how this society works. However, it is still going to harm them, assuming all the above happens to be true... Should the majority tyrannise the minority like this? One day we will likely have the ability to empirically-measure these issues. What then?


5 years ago
all a vaccine is is a weakened version of the disease. no heavy metals there..

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