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HUSS Maschinenfabrik was a German company founded in 1919 in Bremen and originally made new and replacement parts for ship engines.[2] The company began to create amusement rides in 1969 and continued until 2005. In 1981, Huss Maschinenfabrik purchased Arrow Development from the Rio Grande Railroad, merging the two companies to form Arrow Huss. The company got into financial trouble partially due to heavily investing in Darien Lake theme park in New York and the 1984 Louisiana World Exposition in New Orleans.[3] Arrow Huss filed for bankruptcy protection in 1985, and 13 of the company's American officers negotiated a buyout. In 1986, the takeover was approved by the courts, and the American company re-emerged as Arrow Dynamics.[3] The German company reorganized as Huss Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG. - Caption

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