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A Dying Love At some point, you have to accept the situation you are in. If you are in a relationship where there is no compassion, consideration, respect, affection, or friendship, is it your spouses fault or your fault? If you wake in the morning and don’t acknowledge one another. If you go to bed and don’t say I love you. If you never hug, kiss, hold hands, compliment each other. If intimacy is a rare occasion. Why are you staying? Is it out of financial dependency? Is it for the kids, do you think you are doing a service to your children who live in this type of environment? Is it because you love or were in love at one time? Life is short. Tomorrow is not promised. Don’t waste another minute, hour, day, week, decade “wishing” for the relationship you really want. People change, love changes, and sometimes they are incapable of doing what you need. Letting go is hard, especially after a long time, but understand you only get so many rotations around the Sun. You don’t get a redo, you’re not coming back. Be with someone who does all the things that are missing from you relationship or choose to be alone. At the very least have enough respect for yourself to not live unhappy and unfulfilled any longer. —— Word Porn —— - Caption

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